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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our health and safety program is an integral part of our operational activities. PBS is committed in fulfilling their responsibilities with regards to health, safety, environment and the communities in which we operate. Our Parameter for success not just on profit and turnover, but also on how we conduct ourselves within the community and what we are Contribute back to society.

We support local events or programs where we can provide benefits to the community on wider Public interests. We aid charities, sponsor youth sporting teams, encourage education through dedicated scholarship programs and promote local employment wheresoever’s possible.

Support for education in Rural Area:
PBS Can Sponsor/adopt a school in a village to employ qualified teachers, for good sanitation, uniforms for the students, sufficient stationary and opportunities for extra-curricular activities.

Support for an NGO:
PBS can Join hands with an NGO and help them out by providing funds. The employees of the company can also join the NGO on various activities it conducts for the welfare of society.

Medical camps for the backward regions:
PBS Can tie-up with a prolific hospital and provide free health check-ups in rural areas. Sometimes it could be for specific medical purposes, like polio vaccination in children, testing for malaria/dengue/swine flu, etc.

Safe drinking water:
“Water is Life”. PBS Supports Digging of tube wells and making available safe drinking water in villages, schools & even in urban rural areas.

Improvement and maintenance of environment:
PBS Can support the agencies or personal who works for Pollution control, forestation, sewage treatment plants to avoid discharge in open drain/ rivers.

Vocational Training:
There is shortage of some categories of quantity & quality technical personnel everywhere. PBS Can open state of art institutions and produce such skilled manpower.

“Diligence is the mother of good luck “

Contact Us

AG 14, Santa Abasun
P.O. Ghuri, Helawat Tala, Baguihati
Kolkata, West Bengal - 57
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